Colourful Canvas Depictions of Indian Culture

Colourful Canvas Depictions of Indian Culture
2 min read

With the vast cultural diversities existing in India, it is quite a challenge to represent the same on canvas. Prashant A Sable has overcome this in his own unique style of art.

Yet waiting for the right opportunity to come his way to enter into the professional world of art and design in an impactful manner, leaving audiences awestruck, Prashant does not leave any minute unutilised. He illustrates all that comes to his mind in different styles using latest trends and technology to grow the spectrum of his work styles.

Fond of Indian culture, Prashant has read ardently about it and also observed the different types of cultures, sculptures and life styles that exist in a harmony in our country. Beautifully painted on the canvas in bright colours, Indian culture stands apart boldly from the rest of the world.

Inspired by this, he chose to depict an illustrative series on the Indian Culture, Dance and Music, merged together. He started out with the very first thought that came to his mind about this series, which was making it colourful, attractive &simple, yet keeping it traditional.

The use of geometric shapes, patterns and textures add to the charm and grace of the cultural richness. Using the various social media platforms available, Prashant remains updated with the latest and also showcases his illustrative work to his audience.

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