Harshanand on the Evolving Role of Concept Art and Game Design!

Harshanand on the Evolving Role of Concept Art and Game Design!
7 min read

Explore the Artistic Metamorphosis of Concept Art with Harshanand Singh. Gain insights from seasoned concept artist on their creative process, inspiration, and the role of AI.

Illustration did for the book "Goliath, The giant of Gath".
Illustration did for the book "Goliath, The giant of Gath".

How do you think the role of a concept artist has evolved in the past 7 years?


If you look back at the concepts from before 2005, you'll notice they were quite loose, serving as inspiration for the team. Take, for instance, the early concepts of Prince of Persia. Nowadays, we aim to create concepts that closely resemble the final product in the game. To put it simply, we have transitioned from Art to design, influenced significantly by the use of 3D software and game engines. But some things are constant, like good design, and the impact it leaves on its viewers, no matter which tool you use to bring it to life.

When death pulls
When death pulls

For the ones who are unaware of the world of games, what does a usual day look like at work?


I'll have to give an overly simplified answer to this one. Working on any game happens in phases, so a typical day varies depending on the game's stage. It changes the proportion of time you allocate to various activities. But usually, you work on your tasks (for me, it's concepts), play games from the same company and others to learn and improve for your current project. You also read about the subject matter your game/concept is based on, watch videos, and take notes. Additionally, you have to keep checking the updated build to understand what works and what needs improvement. So it's a cycle of work, play, learn, and work again.

Yoth Iria's "As the flame withers" Cover
Yoth Iria's "As the flame withers" Cover

Did you always want to design games?


No. Although I loved drawing and playing games, I was thinking of starting a business, like most of my elder cousins. However, when I was in 11th standard studying in Kolkata, one of my friends wanted to be an animator, and through him, I came to know that these fields exist. I thought I would give the entrance exam of DSK Supinogame a try, and I got in.

Illustration for Alexander Royson's hybrid graphic novel titled "God's sword, GIants and demon wars of Garth"
Illustration for Alexander Royson's hybrid graphic novel titled "God's sword, GIants and demon wars of Garth"

But why video games?


I think video game art combined two of my passions: art and gaming, hence I chose to study video game art from DSK Supinogame (now known as Suinfogame Rubika).

An illustration for cover of Book Soul augmented by Kas Smith
An illustration for cover of Book Soul augmented by Kas Smith

Tell us a little bit about your experience in college. 


I was a dedicated student since my yearly scholarships depended on it. The college had supportive trainers, but its financial struggles led to deterioration. My hard work paid off as my trainers recognized my hunger for learning. With their help, I built a good portfolio and applied to various companies. Moonfrog, where Aditya Chari sir worked, selected me. He remembered me from a masterclass at our college and recommended me when he saw my portfolio. This was a blessing, showing how hard work can pay off in unexpected ways. At Moonfrog, I learned a lot from him, spending 5-10 mins every morning before office work. He even included me in his freelance movie and illustration projects.

Raphael/ Israfil
trumpeter of doom. The angel who will announce apocalypse with his trumpet
Raphael/ Israfil trumpeter of doom. The angel who will announce apocalypse with his trumpet

Your longest stint has been at Ubisoft. Could you share the top three projects you worked on that are close to you?


Yes, working on Skull and Bones was the most fun. We had artists from around the world with various styles and workflows, yet we came together to create something cohesive.

Prince of Persia was truly a project from the heart. We developed some really good concepts back then. Although Montreal is currently working on it, I hope to share some cool concepts after its release.

As for the third project, it's still unrevealed and unannounced, so I can't tell you about it! However, the project I am currently working on is definitely close to my heart.

Archangel Michael, illustration for Alexander Royson's graphic novel "God's sword, GIants and demon wars of Garth"
Archangel Michael, illustration for Alexander Royson's graphic novel "God's sword, GIants and demon wars of Garth"

Out of curiosity, do you play the games you have designed? 


Yes, I do. Honestly, you end up playing the games you are working on the most because you have to test them throughout the production. Everyone on the team should do so as soon as there is a playable prototype. It's necessary to see how our concepts translate into the final product. Moreover, it brings great satisfaction and happiness to witness your ideas come to life.

About last night
About last night

Are there any upcoming projects you are excited about?


Currently, I'm with Nodding Heads Games, the creators of "RAJI, an ancient epic." We've begun working on a new title inspired by Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma. It's exciting because it aligns closely with my interests; for example, the artworks you can find on my social media accounts featuring gods, demons, and other elements from religious stories. We've already come up with some great concepts, and the team is eager to push their boundaries. It's fun and fulfilling to work on this project, and I can't wait to see how people will react to it upon its release. Though it will take some time, the effort will be worth it.

Ashwathama before losing his mani
Ashwathama before losing his mani

What are some of your favourite games that inspire your work?


Prince of Persia, God of War, Witcher, Resident Evil and Elden Ring.


If you are given the freedom to change or add something to your favourite game (maybe add a new character), what would it be?


I wanted to add many new sand monsters in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. At that time, the team wanted to keep it very close to the original. Given the freedom, I would have liked to do that.

The tired titan
The tired titan

Once you have an idea, what is your creative process of bringing it to life? What is your creative process?


It varies. I feel I am still very traditional in my approach. I start with a few sketches to get the feel of the idea. For instance, if I am creating a character, I will rough sketch them along with elements that showcase their nature and personality. Once I have a good sense of the character, I create numerous thumbnails to explore their final appearance. From there, I may or may not incorporate 3D tools like ZBrush or Blender to model and set up lighting for the final image. Finally, I compile and paint over everything in Photoshop.

Sketch for the princes of Hell series
Sketch for the princes of Hell series

Within this process, where do you think AI could be the most helpful, and where it could be detrimental?


I think that when I am exploring the idea and creating thumbnail designs, if I feel I have exhausted all the options in my mind, it won't hurt to see what other options AI can generate. It might provide me with some shapes I wouldn't have naturally thought of. Although I might just pick certain parts of the AI-generated idea to enhance what I already have.

Archangel Gabriel/ Jibril. He is the archangel sent by god to various prophets and his description and stories are found in all 3 abrahamic religions.
Archangel Gabriel/ Jibril. He is the archangel sent by god to various prophets and his description and stories are found in all 3 abrahamic religions.

Assuming that a usual day keeps you busy, how and where do you find inspiration?


I think my childhood and upbringing provided my initial inspiration. Every artist feels drawn to particular subject matter based on their life experiences, the stories they've heard, and the emotions they've felt. If artists don't delve into themselves, they end up imitating what's abundant, mainstream, or trendy.

Uriel, teaser poster
Uriel, teaser poster

I read a lot and listen to stories, even while working. I also watch movies and play games to stay in touch with the world and witness how things are evolving.

Uriel, the flame of God. The archangel of wisdom and illumination. Also known as the regent of sun and the flame of God.
Uriel, the flame of God. The archangel of wisdom and illumination. Also known as the regent of sun and the flame of God.

Are there any themes or events that have particularly inspired you recently?


I love the sudden awakening in our country toward religious subjects. People are having discussions on these topics again, and you can see that everywhere. The positive impact is enormous, especially in the entertainment industry. I know many movies and games are being developed based on stories related to our Indian subcontinent. However, there are still so many more stories waiting to be told, and I feel inspired to bring some of them to your screens.

To the Groins of Belphegor. The realm of belphegor; the demon of sloth. You stop and the realm consumes you.
To the Groins of Belphegor. The realm of belphegor; the demon of sloth. You stop and the realm consumes you.

What would be your advice to the readers currently preparing for this industry?


My advice to readers preparing for the industry is that everyone's path may differ. I encounter students yearly who can't afford art colleges. If you're in that situation, learn from any available source—study fundamentals from books by old masters. Numerous excellent online platforms like Learnsquared, Brainstorm, and Schoolism are available. Begin with basic courses and save up for mentorship from an industry professional. A degree can be helpful, but your skills ultimately land you a job.

Archangel of beauty and wisdom Jophiel making a Dua (prayer) for us.
Archangel of beauty and wisdom Jophiel making a Dua (prayer) for us.

Before signing off, how would you describe your style of work in a sentence?


Ever-evolving depictions of my stories, dreams, and nightmares.

Azrael, the angel of death
Azrael, the angel of death
Creative Gaga