Battling through Quarantine with Art and Music

Vibrant colours, dark themes and Metal would define the artist and drummer Aaron Pinto who shares the influence of art and music on his quarantine time.
Tarot Parrot. An imaginative wordplay on Parrot and Tarot.
Tarot Parrot. An imaginative wordplay on Parrot and Tarot.
4 min read

How did you cope with quarantine and how has the situation affected your art and creativity? Have you been struck with any unexpected challenge?

Aaron. I have been coping well. My home doubles as a studio and therefore my workflow is uninterpreted and just as it was before the quarantine. I created some exciting pieces, as well. This process of creative isolation has made me take a step back and analyse and refocus. The only challenge I've faced is maintaining my energy level since I couldn't properly exercise.

Boop. Digital illustration contributed to “Design Fights COVID” initiative to help the NGO, World for All, which provide food and medical supplies to stray animals.
Boop. Digital illustration contributed to “Design Fights COVID” initiative to help the NGO, World for All, which provide food and medical supplies to stray animals.

Have you participated or came up with any art challenge? How you spent your quarantine time?

Aaron. I've participated in 'Design Fights COVID', an initiative by Art and Found and I've also partnered with a few bands to create some COVID specific creatives. Apart from that, I'm working on my apparel line and a series. This is something I've always wanted to do.


Can you elaborate on your contributions to 'Design Fights COVID'?

Aaron. Design Fights COVID partnered with a few NGOs which are helping smoothen various aspects of life. As I love animals, the NGO I partnered for is 'World for All'. It is an organisation which provides medical aid and food to stray animals.


This pandemic has proven that during a crisis, people turn to art for solace. Do you think this will leave a lasting impression in the field of art?

Aaron. Whether it has created a lasting impression can only be found out in retrospect, but in general, I think people will feel a little more connected with art. Art therapy is universal, and I believe that everyone does this intentionally or otherwise.

Manifest. A comment on the superficiality of people and their pursuit of online validation.
Manifest. A comment on the superficiality of people and their pursuit of online validation.

How has quarantine impacted your livelihood?

Aaron. I believe I'm one of the lucky few to be busy with a lot of commercial work this quarantine since jobs are scarce with many brands busy taking stock of the current situation.


How do you manage to differentiate workspace from your home? Has your productivity been affected due to this?

Aaron. I assign a time for each task I've set out for the day. That way, I'm able to be productive and not lose my mind by just working the whole day. I also have my drumkit at home and use it to break the monotony. This was my life before quarantine as well, so very little has changed.

Squishy and Spongy. Merchandise developed for the single Squishy and Spongy by the band Primitiv.
Squishy and Spongy. Merchandise developed for the single Squishy and Spongy by the band Primitiv.

What are some of the projects you wish to pursue as soon as this quarantine is over? What are the projects we can look forward to from you?

Aaron. The apparel line is my top priority. I'm actively pursuing mural since I've always wanted to do that. I've also got some unreleased work in the pipeline with international bands, which will be released soon.


What is the influence of music on your artworks?

Aaron. The music I listen to guides my artwork and helps me finish the piece. Conversely, I create a visual to help me produce music. Since music is always playing at home, I am continually inspired. I'm currently working on a series inspired by synthwave and metal music.

Day off. A surreal pop take on a creature of dark taking some time off.
Day off. A surreal pop take on a creature of dark taking some time off.

Vibrant colours and gothic themes seem to be your signature. When did you start incorporating Metal in your artwork? How did you develop/discover your style?

Aaron. If I define my work in a sentence, it would be – using bright colours for depressing themes. I've always had an affiliation for Metal, comics, cartoons and toys and these have a significant influence on my inking style and colours.

Album art should define the aesthetics of a band, and I'm exposed to this from childhood. This, I believe, is the most significant factor for my style. Even though I've worked with various bands, I don't think I've reached my signature style, yet.

Tarot Parrot. An imaginative wordplay on Parrot and Tarot.
Tarot Parrot. An imaginative wordplay on Parrot and Tarot.

How is album art different from other types of illustrations? How do you develop an illustration for an album?

Aaron. Album art is music translated into visual form. It must represent the music, and the listener must witness the sync between the music and art. Before I commit to a band, I listen to their music, because I cannot work with a composition I don't enjoy. I go through all the lyrics and immerse myself into their vibe. I then adapt to music and work with it. I always finish the linework first, since I believe that every artwork must look good in black and white first.


What is your advice to aspiring creative professionals?

Aaron. Find your style and own it, since there is a lot of art out there. If you are true to your voice, it will pay off in the end.

Creative Gaga