A Journey from Doodles to Blockbusters

Pizza boy
Pizza boy
5 min read

"Through my art, emotions come alive, reflecting life's beauty and touching hearts with genuine portrayals. A heartfelt connection binds us all." - Sharan S Menon.

4amSoftware - Procreate

Pencils to Pixels

From a young age, Sharan couldn't resist the lure of pen and paper, but it was 2020 that took his art to the next level. As lockdown's chaos and stillness intertwined, armed with an iPad he plunged into digital art's boundless realm, liberating his imagination from the shackles of mistakes.

Sound Waves
Sound Waves

And guess what? Fate had a surprise in store! An email knocked on his door, offering a chance to illustrate a poster for an Indian feature film. No second thoughts—Sharan dove in with enthusiasm, and that poster marked the start of an exhilarating journey. The same studio soon called him back for two more films, propelling his artistic career to new heights.

Film Poster for Amazon Prime
Film Poster for Amazon PrimeSoftware - Adobe Photoshop
Film Poster for Amazon Prime
Film Poster for Amazon PrimeSoftware - Adobe Photoshop
Film Poster for Amazon Prime
Film Poster for Amazon PrimeSoftware - Adobe Photoshop

Today, Sharan thrives amidst incredible projects, rubbing shoulders with industry luminaries. He crafts art for TV shows, Bollywood films, magazines, and animation, leaving his mark on every canvas he touches. His digital pen paints the story of boundless creativity, unveiling horizons in a mesmerizing world of artistry.

The hare and the tortoise
The hare and the tortoise

Journey Through Surreal Realms

Stepping into his world is like exploring a kaleidoscope of surreal wonders. No distinct style confines his artworks; they burst with pure emotion and inspiration, guided by the heart's desire. Fuelled by love for surreal realms, Sharan crafts unique worlds for his characters, unearthing new adventures in their lives.

Joes Grocery
Joes GroceryModel in Maya, textured in Substance and rendered in Unreal. Other assets from Quixel Megascan

Imagine fishes swimming through the sky or towering New York buildings beside characters—scale portrays the vastness and impact of the environment. Each painting reveals a separate story, a fresh perspective, untethered by connections. From dark horror to whimsical fantasy, Sharan's art mirrors his emotions, answering the simple question, "What do I feel like today?"

New York
New York

A Mindful Creation Process

As an illustrator, Sharan's inspiration blossoms from a unique process—he envisions every detail in his mind before touching his pen. When starting a new project, he strolls around, tunes into music, and visualizes ways to bring the brief to life. Armed with clarity, he sketches and seeks references from art websites and books for colors and composition. Nature itself gifts him ideas, as he captures its beauty through photos and reimagines them in his artistic style.

Cherry Blossoms
Cherry BlossomsSoftware - Procreate

Art with a Purpose

However, his art transcends entertainment. Sharan's art supported Lebanon in a powerful initiative after a massive explosion. Creating 3D holographic cards, he showcased the before and aftermath of the devastation. To ensure the intended message hit home, Sharan immersed himself in research. He delved into the post-explosion reality, understanding how people were living in the aftermath. The illustrations conveyed hope with bright tones for the former and depth with ominous red for the latter.

"Through my art, emotions come alive, reflecting life's beauty and touching hearts with genuine portrayals. A heartfelt connection binds us all"

Overcoming Technical Trials

Technical challenges are a constant in Sharan's journey. He faced project vanishing and corruptions, but his resilience and dedication shone as he redid weeks of work with unwavering determination. While animating a title sequence for a film, he aimed for a 2D look in a 3D realm.

Toon shaders and hand-painted 2D backgrounds merged, demanding high computational power. Despite his laptop's laggy protests, Sharan persisted, determined to create a masterpiece. Each hurdle fueled his passion to conquer the creative universe, proving persistence, innovation, and technical prowess craft true artistry.

Project for Comic Con India
Project for Comic Con IndiaSoftware - Adobe Photoshop

Next on the Horizon

Sharan envisions a captivating fusion of skills for him in the future, driving him towards animation and filmmaking. His goal is to create beautiful films, blending diverse techniques and storytelling. Penning intriguing scripts, he dreams of transforming imaginative tales into films, drawn to anthology mind-benders. Embracing the thrill of the unknown, he aims to carve a path towards an extraordinary cinematic voyage.

Silo Personal Project about a traveller on a journey to the mountains
Silo Personal Project about a traveller on a journey to the mountainsSoftware - Procreate

Discovering Your Artistic Identity

"Don't fret about finding your unique style or voice right away," advises Sharan. Embrace versatility and try different mediums fearlessly. True artistic skill lies in creating new things and nurturing the desire to create, not just technical prowess.

With dedication, anyone can become a professional artist. What sets artists apart are their unique ideas and stories. He encourages constant growth, pushing boundaries, and never settling for satisfaction, leading to discovering one's artistic identity and leaving a mark on the art world's canvas.

Software - Procreate
Creative Gaga