
Childhood Memories & Nostalgia

Creative Gaga, Pavan Rajurkar
My workspace

Staying calm and following the safety norms, Pavan is in Mumbai and is spending a lot of his time at the work station, watching documentaries and experimenting with food in the kitchen! Making sure to remain connected with his family back home, he relishes the old stories and memories over the phone calls and even uses them as inspirations in his artworks. In the current situation of social distancing, he has been growing closer to himself and his loved ones.

The Kingdom
4 am. Caught up in an endless loop of scrolling through social media?

Debating whether the new routine is more evolved, Pavan finds it challenging to keep himself at peace with the amount of content is there to work with. Thus, he believes that sometimes doing nothing and relaxing is therapeutic as it maintains the balance between work and play.

Setting up his personal 'weekly goals' enables him to create a realistic schedule to achieve his set targets. Trying new styles, exploring new topics and learning things online, Pavan is filled with inspiration!

Childhood Memory

Although the situation is unique; the people who are fighting on the front-line are extremely noteworthy. On a journey to create illustrations inspired by the health workers, police, shopkeepers, and delivery boys, he believes that their efforts are commendable.

Shaping Stories in Clay!

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Layers of Imagination!

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